...and eat!
This is one of my favorite times of the year. I'm one of the cooks for this event. It is hard work, cooking an entire weekend for over seventy people, but it is an experience I wouldn't give up. I can't think of a better way to show my thanks to all of the boys for all of the hard work they put into making the troop as great as it is, and to their families for putting their faith in me and the other leaders to help turn their boys into great leaders.
The other reason I go on this campout is my son, Joseph. I am so thankful for him and to him.
What I am not necessarily thankful for is the stomach bug Joseph brought home with him from the campout. Not only did it keep him home from school for two days, it jumped to his sister, then to me. A little more about that later.
The holiday started out well. The wife and I took Wednesday off. It was to be a day of preparation for the holiday. Well, it ended up being a day of babysitting. A coworker of Neva's needed us to watch her granddaughter for the day. It certainly wasn't how I planned the day, but it was loads of fun. I'd love to show you a picture of the little princess who gave me my grandpappy fix, but I don't have permission. It was certainly an unplanned day that I am greatful for. Then came Thursday...
I am downstairs at 6AM, getting the Turkey on the grill for smoking. I get the turkey started and set the alarm for two hours later. The couch sure looks like a good place to lay down for a couple hours. Two hours later I wake up with the realization that my wonderful children have passed their stomach bug on to me. This Thanksgiving, I am truly thankful for the couch in the living room. It proved to be a comforting place to spend the day.
Fortunately, things started looking up some the next day. Not enough for me to join the early, early shift with hotdog sales a Lowes (sorry, Danny and Jeff), but at least I was no longer needing to keep close to a certain room. It's a good thing my energy was coming back. I would need it the next day.
Saturday came. It started out with two people in the house. Sissy had spent the night at her best friend's house, while Joseph spent the night with Sissy's boyfriend. I know those are strange arrangements, but they are certainly preferable to Sissy spending the night at the boyfriend's house! By Saturday evening, the house went from two people to six. Yes, the Strickland population was multiplying like rabbits. We found ourselves suddenly with three teens and one just past his teens sleeping that night...boys downstairs, and girls upstairs.
I don't want it to sound like I am complaining. I am certainly not. While having four youngun's at the house is certainly tiring, it makes me feel special. Our house is not neat by any means. In fact, I think we have the market cornered on dust bunnies. Let's just say it is very...VERY...lived in. Fortunately, there is something in our house that can be found in even more abundance than the dust bunnies and cobwebs. It is love. I am truly thankful for that love. It is amazing what your kids' friends are willing to overlook when they feel the love and comfort of family in the house. So I would like to say a special thanks for my kids...all four of them.
The weekend ended with lots of Christmas decorations inside and out. It was certianly a strange Thanksgiving holiday for me, but all in all, one I will remember fondly. It is amazing how God can turn a potential disaster into something special. Thanks.
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